Olas' Superticket includes entry to Lilleputthammer family park during your entire stay, day of arrival, during your stay and day of departure.
Ola's super ticket gives you extra flexibility on your holiday, you can come and go as you like and take advantage of the attractions and experiences in Lilleputthammer family park combined with the many other options the Lillehammer region has to offer. You get the tickets at the reception on arrival - and the tickets can be collected before you check in. This way you can enjoy the day in Lilleputthammer family park while your room is being prepared. The super ticket is valid during Lilleputhammer's opening hours - see the full overview at Lilleputthammer.no Ola's Super ticket includes entry to Lilleputthammer family park during your entire stay, day of arrival, during your stay and day of departure. When Lilleputthammer is open at weekends, the Superticket applies to Saturday and Sunday. Remember to choose the age of the children after you have chosen the dates of arrival and departure. Free entry to Lekeland Hafjell Hotel guests get free entry to Lekeland Hafjell in the evenings 18 - 21. During the playland's normal opening hours, hotel guests have a 50% discount on entrance tickets.

Family package includes;
Accommodation Hafjell Hotell
Tickets to Lilleputthammer
Entrance Lekeland Hafjell in the evening